
This article deals with the aspects of everyday life of the peasants who lived in private estates of the nobility in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 16th – the first half of the 17th century. The research was mainly based on published and unpublished acts of court cases, additional information is found in the estate inventories and descriptions provided by the people who travelled through Lithuania. The analysis revealed that the homestead of the peasants were usually modest – it consisted of few wooden buildings, the most important of which being a dwelling house, a granary and a cattle-shed, but richer peasants lived in larger homesteads with more different buildings. Peasants usually lived in wooden farmhouses with a stove, whereas some part of the peasants in Samogitia still lived in the so-called numas with a fireplace. Peasants’ main clothes were sermėgos, sheepskin coats, shirts, woman’s cloaks; some peasants could afford to have more expensive clothes. The main food products included different kinds of grain, first of all, stocks of rye, as well as peas, different vegetables, flitch, dairy products. Probably only richer peasants ate meat more often. There were important various household effects and work tools in the peasant homestead. Although the life of peasants was modest, however there existed differences in the standard of everyday living during the period under discussion.


  • This article deals with the aspects of everyday life of the peasants who lived in private estates of the nobility in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 16th – the first half of the 17th century

  • The research was mainly based on published and unpublished acts of court cases, additional information is found in the estate inventories and descriptions provided by the people who travelled through Lithuania

  • The analysis revealed that the homestead of the peasants were usually modest – it consisted of few wooden buildings, the most important of which being a dwelling house, a granary and a cattle-shed, but richer peasants lived in larger homesteads with more different buildings

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Neringa Dambrauskaitė

Remiantis daugiausia teismų bylų aktais, taip pat dvarų inventoriais ir naratyviniais šaltiniais, atskleidžiama, kaip atrodė valstiečių sodyba, koks buvo jų gyvenamasis namas, kokia apranga, mityba ir kasdienybėje svarbių daiktų įvairovė. Kad pirmiausia buvo padegtas kluonas, nuo kurio užsiliepsnojo tvora, nuo šios tvartas, toliau klėtis ant paklėčio su įvairiais joje buvusiais daiktais, o tada šalia buvusi pirkia su priemene. Tad visą sodybą sudarė keturi mediniai pastatai: kluonas, skirtas javų derliui, tvartas gyvuliams, klėtis daiktams laikyti ir pagaliau pirkia – valstiečių šeimos gyvenamasis namas. Iš šių pavyzdžių ir kitų šaltinių matyti, kad uždarą valstiečių sodybą galėjo sudaryti vos trys trobesiai, skirti šeimai gyventi, turtui laikyti ir gyvuliams, o turtingesni valstiečiai galėjo turėti ir daugiau nei dešimt pastatų – ne vieną gyvenamąjį namą, daugiau klėčių, tvartų, atskirą kluoną, taip pat čia būta arklidžių, pirties ar salyklinės. АВК, t. 26: Акты Упитскoго гродского суда, Вильна, 1899, Nr. 460, p. 376

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