
The current trend in the development of scientific and technological progress is characterized by the development and production of a huge number of automated agricultural machinery. Thorough knowledge and understanding of the content and essence of automated agricultural machinery makes it possible to operate it professionally and effectively. (Research purpose) The research purpose is in creating recommendations on identifying the causes of failures and malfunctions, as well as on the effective operation of automated agricultural machinery. (Materials and methods) The automation system is designed in the form of an expanded block diagram, and its elements are represented by conventional symbols, which are divided into graphic and alphabetic designations. The structural diagrams show the mechanisms of formation of control signals, commands and actions in automation systems; control circuits, regulation, control and signaling; automatic control regulators, monitoring and signaling. (Results and discussion) During the structural analysis it is necessary to determine the full composition of structural elements in each automation system under study. When performing a detailed structural analysis, you need to use the results of a simplified one, and consider the automation object with all its input and output physical parameters. The automatic regulators of the system must be subjected to additional structural analysis. (Conclusions) Detailed structural analysis is the most popular direction and fully reveals the structure of automation systems. The use of detailed structural analysis leads to an understanding of the essence of automatic control of objects in some types of automation systems and the essence of automatic control of the state of objects in other types of automation systems. Performing a detailed structural analysis sufficiently fully reveals the descriptive and cognitive nature of the process of studying automation systems.

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