
Using improved computer filtering and a reconstruction analysis we have been able to extract additional details on a mirror plasma’s midplane ion energy distribution from the current–voltage (I–V) curve of a voltage-swept electrostatic end loss analyzer (ELA). For the University of Maryland’s MIX-1 plasma [Phys. Fluids 23, 3439 (1976)], the diagnostic technique has provided us with important information on the ‘‘loss-cone region’’ of an anisotropic ion distribution during drift cyclotron loss-cone (DCLC) instability experiments. Observations include convincing verification of ion distribution modification during DCLC evolution and an enhancement of the loss-region boundary over that predicted by simplified trapping theory. The reconstruction analysis involves matching the differentiated I–V curves (i.e., dI/dV vs V) to theoretically predicted curves based on model midplane ion distribution functions. The theoretical curves are obtained from the model midplane distributions by a mapping transformation based on conservation of magnetic moment and total energy of each ion along lines of magnetic flux.

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