
Conchostracan-rich beds between the Siberian Trap flood basalts and within the thick underlying Hungtukun tuffs of the Tunguska Basin can be closely correlated with conchostracan faunas of Dalongkou (NW China) and the Germanic Basin. The Germanic Basin faunas in turn can be closely correlated with the marine international stratigraphic time scale, and the accuracy of the biostratigraphic correlation of the Permian–Triassic boundary (PTB) is confirmed by a minimum in δ 13C carb values at this level. These high-resolution correlations demonstrate conclusively that the PTB is located within the temporally brief but thick Siberian Trap flood basalt sequence. The PTB lies slightly above the level of the main Permo-Triassic extinction event in low latitude marine beds, which occurred at the base of the C. meishanensis– H. praeparvus conodont zone and correlates with the beginning of the Siberian Trap flood basalt event. The main end-Permian continental extinction event was somewhat earlier, within the middle of the C. changxingensis– C. deflecta conodont zone. This horizon marks a mass extinction that devastated a diverse conchostracan fauna and left only low diversity faunas at low and high latitudes. This continental extinction event horizon lies within the middle of the Hungtukun tuffs of the Tunguska Basin and 107 m above the base of the Guodikeng Formation at Dalongkou (NW China). A “Triassic type” pioneer flora with numerous lycopod spores appears immediately above this level. Severe high northern and southern latitude marine extinctions occurred concurrently with this continental event, but low latitude marine biota was not then affected. This earlier event is best explained by global warming. The main low latitude extinction event in marine warm water faunas occurred somewhat later and left no signature in high latitude marine faunas or in continental faunas, but it does coincide with a rapid collapse of tropical rain forest environments (disappearance of the highly diverse Gigantopteris flora). This collapse likely was caused by global cooling due to a volcanic winter event.

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