
The revised National Guidelines for Kindergarten Teacher Education express an increased emphasis on progression in relationship to leadership in early childhood teacher education (ECTE). In this article, I focus on whether there is a need for further education in leadership in ECTE. The article presents a study in which the research material consists of 36 texts written by ECTE students in the course Leadership, Collaboration and Development at a Norwegian university. The study mainly builds on Biesta’s differentiation between three dimensions in education and pedagogy: qualification, socialization and subjectification, with a particular focus on subjectification. The main findings point toward the importance of student experiences in the practice field and uncertainty related to the leadership role, which seems to require a broad knowledge base. Based on these findings, I discuss whether there is too little focus on the leadership role and too little field training in the education to meet the need for the specialized knowledge of leadership. The study suggests that leadership skills may be better developed by allowing students to dwell more deeply in the student role, with the uncertainty and possible lack of experience it entails, rather than increasing the theoretical and experience­based knowledge in an education that is already burdened by subject­crowding.


  • ABSTRACT “... as a leader, you evolve as you go”: Leadership Development in Early Childhood Teacher Education The revised National Guidelines for Kindergarten Teacher Education express an increased empha­ sis on progression in relationship to leadership in early childhood teacher education (ECTE)

  • The main findings point toward the importance of student experiences in the practice field and uncertainty related to the leadership role, which seems to require a broad knowledge base

  • I discuss whether there is too little focus on the leadership role and too lit­ tle field training in the education to meet the need for the specialized knowledge of leadership

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Marianne Olsen Santana

SAMMENDRAG Reviderte Nasjonale retningslinjer for barnehagelærerutdanningen tydeliggjør progresjon i arbeidet med ledelse i barnehagelærerutdanningen i større grad enn tidligere. I denne artikkelen undersø­ ker jeg derfor om det er behov for ytterligere kunnskap om ledelse i barnehagelærerutdanningen. The main findings point toward the importance of student experiences in the practice field and uncertainty related to the leadership role, which seems to require a broad knowledge base Based on these findings, I discuss whether there is too little focus on the leadership role and too lit­ tle field training in the education to meet the need for the specialized knowledge of leadership. Likevel har studentene gitt uttrykk for at det fortsatt er behov for mer kunnskap knyttet til ledelse (Følgegruppen, 2017a, 2017b; Skauge et al, 2017). Hensikten med studien er å undersøke om det er behov for ytterligere vektleg­ ging av kunnskap om lederrollen i utdanningen. Analysen av tekstene danner grunnlaget for diskusjonen ut fra følgende forskningsspørsmål: Hva kan studentenes beskrivelser fortelle om beho­ vet for økt kunnskap om lederrollen i utdanningen? Analysen av tekstene danner grunnlaget for diskusjonen ut fra følgende forskningsspørsmål: Hva kan studentenes beskrivelser fortelle om beho­ vet for økt kunnskap om lederrollen i utdanningen? Avslutningsvis løfter jeg frem to ulike betraktninger som kan ha betydning for hvordan vi anser lederutvikling i barnehagelærerutdanningen

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