
Jair Bolsonaro was elected president in 2018, with a political platform that combined belligerence and political authoritarianism, devaluation of identity agendas and social movements – ecological movements, struggles for land and housing, indigenous people, quilombolas, LGBTQIA+, women, blacks etc. –, association between Christian religion and political management and assumptions of a malleable neoliberalism, whose main intention was revealed to be the abduction and destruction of the State's organizational structures, with only safeguarding investments in the Armed Forces. In this sense, the active participation of the Armed Forces in the administration of the Brazilian State represented not only a significant increase in the number of military personnel in civilian positions, but also direct interference in various matters, such as environmental policies, forest protection and land management. of preservation. During the four years of the Bolsonaro Government, there was a defense of an unlimited-overwhelming model of development, with important political leaders promoting the idea of nature as an obstacle to progress and welcoming atmospheric pollution, the construction of highways in green areas, pesticides in general and the dissolution of indigenous reserves. The linking of the Brazilian Forest Service and the National Water Agency to the Ministry of Agriculture, the extinction of the Climate Change Secretariat, the interruption in the recognition of new indigenous lands and quilombola lands and the freezing of the creation of new conservation units, with the constant weakening of the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) reveal, among many other examples, the destruction of nature, the advancement of the frontiers of capitalist accumulation over the forest and the option for violent extraction instead of preservation.

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