
The study elicits visitor perceptions on the destination brand of Cameroon through sport event hosting. The nations' brand is often reduced to its geo-political and socio-economic status, and it becomes challenging for Cameroon to overcome this powerful negative discourse. Sport events are proven to be a powerful vehicle for changing perceptions and reimaging nations. This study employed a quantitative approach to data collection whereby face-to-face survey questionnaires were conducted with sport event spectators (n=465) at the AFCON tournament to determine the brand images held in the minds of visitors and moreover to determine the consequential effects on destination branding. Results of the study not only reveal that positive brand imagery is linked to cultural diversity but that it also demonstrates strong associations to sport brand positioning. The results further expose elements of branding challenges linked to policy development and leadership. This research holds key significance for destination brand stakeholders in terms of utilising appropriate marketing strategies in event promotions. It also supports existing destination branding constructs linked to brand image and brand positioning.

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