
Fingermarks are frequently collected at crime scenes by using gelatin lifters for preservation and transport of the marks to a forensic laboratory for inspection. The gelatin lifters preserve both the imprint of the fingermark pattern necessary for identification purposes and the chemical residue of the mark potentially useful for profiling the person who left the fingermark. The fingermark patterns are traditionally recorded using photography/optical imaging, but methods for chemical analysis of fingermark residues on gelatin lifters are scarce. Here we report the first method for the chemical analysis of fingermarks on gelatin lifters using desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (DESI-MS) imaging. The imaging can be done directly on the gelatin support without any sample preparation, supporting immediate operational use of the method for fingermarks collected at crime scenes. Operational use of the method is further supported by successful chemical imaging of fingermarks enhanced by traditional dusting with forensic powders and lifted off different surfaces (glass, stainless steel, painted aluminum, polystyrene, cardboard, and plastic) as well as fingermarks lifted multiple times. We also demonstrate that the present method can be used to visually separate natural overlapping powder-treated fingermarks, and the chemical composition of the fingermarks can be analyzed on the gelatin support by DESI-MS/MS. The presented method has potential for integration into the traditional workflow for fingermark analysis, and will allow more fingermarks collected at crime scenes to be evaluated both visually and chemically.

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