
This study aims to describe the ability of mathematical problem solving in solving story problems in terms of the extrovert introvert personality types of SMP N 6 Rembang students on a two-variable linear equation system. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The subjects in this study were students of class VIIIB SMP N 6 Rembang. Selection of Respondents used a purposive sampling technique consisting of three students for each personality type. Data collection techniques using questionnaires, tests, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques with data presentation steps, data reduction and conclusions. The results showed that the problem-solving ability for (1) extroverted students: were able to understand the problem and were able to explain again in their own language, were able to draw up a problem-solving plan, were able to carry out calculations and writing very neatly, were able to check the results obtained, ( 2) introverted students: have been able to understand the problem but have not been able to explain again with their own language, have been able to draw up a problem solving plan and are able to do calculations even though the writing is still messy, in general do not re-check the answers he has obtained.


  • PENDAHULUAN Matematika merupakan suatu alat untuk mengembangkan cara berfikir, sehingga matematika sangat diperlukan baik untuk kehidupan sehari-hari maupun dalam menghadapi kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi

  • This study aims to describe the ability of mathematical problem solving in solving story problems in terms of the extrovert introvert personality types of SMP N 6 Rembang students on a two-variable linear equation system

  • The results showed that the problem-solving ability for (1) extroverted students: were able to understand the problem and were able to explain again in their own language, were able to draw up a problem-solving plan, were able to carry out calculations and writing very neatly, were able to check the results obtained, ( 2) introverted students: have been able to understand the problem but have not been able to explain again with their own language, have been able to draw up a problem solving plan and are able to do calculations even though the writing is still messy, in general do not re-check the answers he has obtained

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Kemudian pada langkah ketiga yaitu melakukan rencana pemecahan masalah, siswa dengan tipe kepribadian ekstrovert ini sudah melakukannya walaupun terkadang masih kurang teliti pada saat melakukam perhitungan. 2. Tipe Kepribadian Introvert Berdasarkan hasil tes kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan hasil wawancara yang telah dilakukan, maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa siswa yang memiliki tipe kepribadian introvert pada langkah pertama pemecahan masalah sudah mampu memahami masalah, siswa menuliskan informasi-informasi yang diketahui dari soal dengan langsung mengubah ke dalam model matematikanya tanpa menyertakan pernyataan yang tertulis dalam soal. Karakter yang selanjutnya yaitu pesimis, siswa yang memiliki tipe kepribadian introvert cenderung pesimis dengan hasil yang mereka peroleh, karena pada saat wawancara jika mereka mengetahui bahwa terdapat kesalahan dalam penulisan maupun perhitungan mereka langsung pesimis dan menilai bahwa jawaban mereka adalah salah. Perbedaan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Siswa dengan Tipe Kepribadian Ekstrovert-Introvert

Alur dalam mengerjakannya Perhitungan sudah runtut tetapi
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