
The authoritative International Data Corporation (IDC) estimates that by 2023, global spending on public cloud services and infrastructure will be more than double, mainly due to the introduction of digital transformations. Globally, the cloud market is becoming a field of increasingly fierce competition between the world's leading IT corporations. Modern education is rapidly evolving due to teachers who in recent years have introduced cloud services in their professional activities. There was an urgent question about the formation of information and educational environment for cooperation, collaboration, communication and learning mobility. This study is devoted to the analysis of the methods peculiarities of designing the information and educational environment of the discipline with the help of GoogleServices. The authors reviewed Google Services for designing open and closed information and educational environments, which are free, so they can be actively used in the educational process. The advantages of open and closed information-educational environment of the discipline as environments for the organization and management of the educational process are described. In the study, the authors identified the following characteristics of the information and educational environment: openness (support for modern standards, Internet / Intranet technology); scalability (increasing the number of services provided in the environment; the amount of information that can be processed); expansion of databases and knowledge (does not lead to the need to reconfigure the system); integration (the ability to organize a single educational environment to expand the tasks associated with the development and design of educational and methodological support of the educational process); adaptability (dynamic adjustment to the needs of both a particular educational institution and an individual user).

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