
Misinformation among clinics advertising unproven stem cell interventions (SCIs) is pervasive and has resulted in patient and societal harms. Most bioethics commentaries have centered on advancing regulatory approaches to curtail the supply side of the market, but insufficient attention has been paid to considering strategies influencing patient demand. In this article, we offer an ethical justification for the design and deployment of persuasive patient education on unproven SCIs and distinguish it from didactic and manipulative education frames. Persuasive education should aim to correct and inoculate against misinformation about unproven SCIs and instill a sense of caution among patients considering experimental interventions outside of a clinical trial. We outline various communication strategies to effectively correct or inoculate against SCI misinformation. The stem cell community needs to invest in understanding patients' informational sources, attitudes, and beliefs about SCIs to develop and implement evidence-based persuasive education to promote informed decision-making about these therapies.

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