
The public organizations do receive complaint reports from customers which causes disruption of service deliveries affecting economic growth and social life of citizens. The purpose of the study is to determine how designing organization structures supports implementation of strategies, adopted technology and the service delivery in the security and safety industry. The low level of service delivery is not expected from an organization with many layers of structures, departments with division of functions. The study used quantitative approach of descriptive, explanatory method and structural equation modeling to analyze the data. A questionnaire tool was used to collect the data through drop and pick approach. A sample size of 452 respondents was selected through stratified random sampling from the target population. The results are that overlapping, ambiguities, non- sharing of organization chart affects service delivery in organizations. The researchers and practioners will learn that additional layering of structures and positions which are not linked to the core set of values of the business and organization strategy, should be down scoped because they end up creating ‘parked leaders’ with no clear work autonomy thus disrupting the service delivery in an organization. There is no need to appoint officers to positions which were not created through job analysis. Such placements cause disharmony within employee working relationships. The executive should provide smart transitional leadership framework from the old to the new structures to reduce resistance, slowing down ofservice delivery and strategic implementation in thepublic organizations. The study was limited to public sector on designing organization structure.

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