
ABSTRACT In order to maximize the preparedness experience and multi-agency player interaction within your response community during operations based exercises, numerous ideas are recommended prior to and during the design of the exercise that have worked. Emphasis is on the proper pre-exercise solicitation of your response community stakeholder's participation, type and content of pre-exercise training, seminars, table tops and drills that should address the needs of your response community. Pre-exercise artificialities such as when to start the exercise, identifying and setting up a command post and developing an organization chart are discussed. When and how should you develop a pre-exercise Incident Briefing or Incident Action Plan. During the exercise, a convincing argument explains why you don't set your players up for frustration and failure by expecting them to develop an Incident Action Plan within a normal business day. Use Spill Management Team personnel at key Incident Command System (ICS) posi...

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