
An e-book is - in the broadest sense - an electronic version of a printed book that can be read on the monitor or other readable portable devices. In fact, an electronic volume - from the digital point of view - represents an executable file, which may be supplemented by other types of files (multimedia files). All those files are processed by a compiler, using specialized software (Gorghiu et al., 2008). There are several software applications dedicated for e-books producing. As an example, Desktop Author comprises simple and intuitive tools for creating electronic books to be published on the web. The application was used for the designing of the e - book Energy and Environment (Fig. 1.), a manual and a guided presentation for demonstrating the powerful connection between the Energy (and the great importance of its saving) and the Environmental issues, having a strong educational support and being accessible to a reader of any age. The e-book was designed by elaborating of the source files (txt, doc, jpg etc.) into one folder which brings together all the materials necessary for finalizing the book. The creation of the sources was determined starting with the page format, margins, base font, color. The content of the book was drawn with a word processor and a HTML editor for defining the related links between the documents and also for generating the book content. Finally, the source files were gathered and transformed in an exe file.

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