
The current research focused on the designing of questionnaire for factors that impact student learning outcomes in tertiary educational system in underdeveloped nation Pakistan. A pilot study was conducted for the designing of questionnaire to collect data on perceived factors that impact student learning outcomes. The selected Higher Education Commission (HEC) recognized private educational institutions were contacted and permission of data collection was obtained from the authorities. Ninety eight students of final semester from HEC recognized tertiary universities at Bachelors level from the department of Science were approached for this study. Participants were informed that the data will be kept in a laptop under password protection. There were 41 total items in the questionnaire. It has been divided into 2 sections. Section A includes the demographic characteristics of participants and includes 7 questions. Section B is divided into 6 subsections, each section capturing the true essence of independent and dependent variables. The results of the study concluded that student perception questionnaire has good to excellent intra rater reliability and indicates that all components have factor loading exceeding 0.50 that also shows the importance of all components. Thus, the questionnaire can be used for the assessment of factors that impact student learning outcomes from educational institutes.

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