
This study aimed at design learning object using Articulate Storyline 3 for supporting the Indonesian Online Learning System (SPADA). This is a development research using ADDIE model. ADDIE Model development design was combined with the AGILE Method to develop learning tools. The expected benefit from this research is being able to integrate learning objects with other learning objects at SPADA Indonesia. The development stages were determining the course to be developed, conducting needs analysis, developing draft, utilizing the Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha E-learning software, and testing (a review from content expert and field testing). The results of the learning object design can help and facilitate lecturers and students to carry out the lecturing process better and be able to increase the level of mastery of the subject matter. Students and lecturers would not be limited to face-to-face meeting and time. Based on the validity test conducted by media, design and content experts, it could be said that the AS3-based learning object designed was “Very Valid” and could be used for lecturing process.

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