
Captchas, or Completely Automated Public Turing Tests to Tell Computers and Humans Apart, were created in response to programmers' ability to breach computer networks via computer attack programmes and bots. Because of its ease of development and use, the Text Captcha is the most well-known Captcha scheme. Hackers and programmers, on the other hand, have weakened the assumed security of Captchas, leaving websites vulnerable to assault. Text Captchas are still widely used since it is assumed that the attack speeds are moderate, typically two to five seconds for each image, and that this is not considered a significant concern. Style Area Captcha (SACaptcha) is a revolutionary image-based Captcha suggested in this paper, which relies on semantic data comprehension, pixel-level segmentation, and deep learning approaches. The suggested SACaptcha highlights the creation of image-based Captchas utilising deep learning techniques for boosting the security purpose, demonstrating that text Captchas are no longer secure.

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