
This article reflects the actual problems of linguistic personality development in the system of bilingual education in the context of the modern socio-cultural situation, the description of the contradictions and perspective ways to solve them. It describes the model of the communicative competence formation of bilingual students, which includes interrelated structural elements and its blocks: target block, motivational, substantive, procedural, technological, criterion-evaluation, and effective block. All these components are connected, mutually dependent and reflect the educational process information. The main feature of the formation of students’ communicative competence model is the consistency and integration of its blocks, which determines the complex orientation of the college educational process to the formation of a graduate who possesses bilingual communicative competence. These model features can combine all participants of the college educational process with the system of goals for each block. The development of any formed quality must be diagnosed in order to clarify the system of specified properties in each block. The diagnostic ways were selected for determining the level of communicative competence development, criteria and indicators correlating with the main structural components of the study were determined. Criteria-based diagnostics of the selected indicators allows us to determine the success of the students’ communicative competence development and the college teachers’ necessary further actions.

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