
List of Figures Preface Acknowledgments About the Author 1. The Need for Change Traditional Approaches to Teacher Professional Learning New Demands Require Change 2. Effective Teacher Professional Learning Theoretical Models of Professional Development Action Characteristics of Effective Professional Development Summary 3. Context: Building an Atmosphere to Support Teacher Learning Learning Communities Leadership Resources Summary 4. Content: Specifying the Goals of Professional Learning Activities Identifying Goals Evaluating Your Professional Development Program Summary 5. Process: Selecting Specific Activities and Strategies Learning Designs Implementation Summary 6. Lesson Study A Cycle of Instructional Improvement The Lesson Study Philosophy Lesson Study Steps The Essential Elements of Lesson Study Challenges to Engaging in Lesson Study: Misconceptions to Avoid Summary 7. Critical Friends The Origins of Critical Friends The Philosophy of CFGs Critical Friends Steps The Essential Elements of Critical Friends Benefits of CFGs Summary 8. School Rounds A Lesson From Medicine The Rationale for School Rounds The Steps in School Rounds Learning With Rounds Summary 9. Action Research A Hands-On Approach Why Choose Action Research? The Action Research Process Benefits of Action Research Summary 10. Mentoring The Power of Relationships Why Mentoring Matters Essential Steps in Building a Mentoring Program The Work of Mentoring The Role of the Principal Essential Elements Summary 11. Peer Coaching Harnessing Peer-to-Peer Wisdom The Rationale for Peer Coaching Essential Steps of the Peer Coaching Process Essential Elements Summary 12. Online Professional Development The Rationale for Online Professional Development A Framework for Implementing Online Professional Development Monitoring and Evaluating Online Professional Development Summary 13. Personal Learning Networks Going Global The Power of PLNs The Process of Creating and Cultivating PLNs Getting Started Using Tools to Connect: Early PLN Formation Advanced PLN Formation: What Does It Look Like? The Challenges of PLNs Summary 14.The Challenges of Introducing New Forms of Teacher Professional Learning How Have Teachers Experienced Past Professional Development? Are Teacher Needs and Preferences Being Considered? Are Teachers Treated With Respect? Are Teachers Being Asked to Collaborate, Think, and Innovate? Do School Leaders Make the New Strategies Easy to Implement? Are Professional Development Activities Linked to a Compelling Purpose? Breaking Down Barriers Summary 15. A Call to Action References Index

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