
List of Tables List of Figures Preface Purpose of This Book Audience for the Book Book Features Acknowledgments Chapter 1: Understanding Mixed Methods Research Purpose and Organization Clarifying Terms What Is Mixed Methods Research? The Importance of Mixed Methods Research Summary Activities Additional Resources to Examine Chapter 2: Examining Preliminary Considerations Consider Worldview Stances The Basics of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Research Problems Addressed by Mixed Methods Summary Activities Additional Resources to Examine Chapter 3: Locating and Reviewing Mixed Methods Studies Searching for and Reviewing Mixed Methods Studies A Mixed Methods Notation System and Visual Diagrams Four Examples of Mixed Methods Studies Summary Activities Additional Resources to Examine Chapter 4: Choosing a Mixed Methods Design Classifications of Mixed Methods Designs The Four Major Types of Mixed Methods Designs Selecting a Type of Mixed Methods Design Implementing the Design Decisions Writing a Paragraph to Identify a Study's Design Summary Activities Additional Resources to Examine Chapter 5: Introducing a Mixed Methods Study Writing a Mixed Methods Title Stating the Problem in the Introduction The Purpose Statement Research Questions and Hypotheses Summary Activities Additional Resources to Examine Chapter 6: Collecting Data in Mixed Methods Research Procedures in Qualitative and Quantitative Data Collection Data Collection in Mixed Methods Design Summary Activities Additional Resources to Examine Chapter 7: Analyzing Data in Mixed Methods Research Procedures in Quantitative and Qualitative Data Analysis Data Analysis With Mixed Methods Designs Summary Activities Additional Resources to Examine Chapter 8: Writing and Evaluating Mixed Methods Research General Guidelines for Writing Organize the Structure of the Writing So That It Relates to the Designs Evaluating a Mixed Methods Study Within Designs Summary Activities Additional Resources to Examine Chapter 9: Questions Often Raised About Mixed Methods Research Anticipate Mixed Methods Questions What Is Mixed Methods Research? Is Mixed Methods Research Accepted? Is Mixed Methods Research Realistic? Summary Activities Additional Resources to Examine Chapter 10: Future Directions for Mixed Methods Research Needed Developments in Mixed Methods Research Summary Activities Additional Resources to Examine Appendix A. A Triangulation Design Appendix B. An Embedded Design Appendix C. An Explanatory Design Appendix D. An Exploratory Design References Index About the Authors

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