
Organizations recognize the opportunities and business value offered by Big Data technologies. However there are many problems, which are derived from the difficulty of understanding the complex dimensions involved in Big Data adoption. Therefore, companies are in doubt of their readiness to gain the profits of Big Data and could not be capable to know if they are ready for such adoption. In this regard, comprehensively identifying Big Data readiness assessment dimensions can be a very useful step forward to improve Big Data adoption. Accordingly, various dimensions and their related components have been identified through a deep and comprehensive investigation of the broad literature and a deep and comprehensive framework is established which helps organizations with identifying their potential in Big Data adoption. The outcomes of current research show that although companies believe that they are technically adopting big data, but they would not achieve benefits and gain value from it until they align their strategic plan with Big Data applications. The framework is helpful in pointing out components which organizations could improve, form a firm basis for guiding the managers and scholars to plan Big Data adoption.

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