
AI solutions can significantly leverage open government data (OGD) ecosystems in public governance. For that, it is important to design effective and transparent governance mechanisms that create value in an OGD ecosystem through AI solutions. This article develops a conceptual model for a systematic design of an OGD governance model, which adopts a platform governance approach and integrates the governance needs derived from the use of AI. The purpose of the conceptual model is to systematically identify and analyze the interrelationships among multiple change factors on OGD governance design and to project available AI-based solutions for the OGD ecosystem by assessing the managerial, organizational, legal, technological, moral, and institutional variances. The proposed ‘6-step model’ suggests that an AI-compatible OGD ecosystem design requires (i) identifying contingencies, (ii) identifying data prosumers, (iii) assigning data governance roles, (iv) identifying design values, (v) designing the governance of AI, and (vi) designing the governance by AI. Through the recursive and reflexive analysis of each step, policymakers and system designers can develop reliable strategies in leveraging AI solutions for the use of OGD in public governance.

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