
Scientific and educational events are a relevant issue in the system of higher education. Modern challenging realities require new approaches to the event organization process, a clear differentiation of classroom and distance event forms, prioritization in their planning and conducting. The aim of the study is to develop a technique for organizing a scientific and educational Internet event and apply it while conducting a scientific student Internet conference.The research is based on the modern approaches to design and modeling, event management and reengineering. We collected and analyzed theoretical and empirical data, systematized, generalized and recorded it graphically.As a result, a five stage process of organizing a scientific and educational event has been designed. At first we created a model of educational event concept, chose an electronic form as optimal for organizing an event in new realities. The next stage was to create a scheme of preparing and holding an event, showing a set and sequence of actions. Further using the model of event concept and the scheme, we organized a scientific student conference in the electronic form, tested a new format of scientific communication. The final stage was the analysis of the conference results, a survey of participants, and a comparison with the metrics of previous years.The developed model of event concept and the scheme of preparing and holding an event include all procedures for organizing an event of any level and format; they can be used for preparing most educational events. Designing organizational processes in rapidly changing conditions is a challenging issue for modernization of teacher’s organizational and managerial activities.

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