
Special, privileged or VIP customers are of great significance to the banks since they continuously and broadly invest in deposits and remain loyal to the banks. This loyalty is dependent on the broad and specific services they receive, deposit interests, and the tuned regulatory actions that banks take for according to the grade of special customers and their propensity to risk. In the current research, a dataset of two thousand ordinary and special privileged customers were collected according to their demographics, accounts information, and level of investment in the bank. The grade of special customer and their propensity to taking risks are also determined by the experts of the bank. Afterwards, a range of learning algorithms are applied for designing and validating classification and prediction methods on special customers’ grades and their propensity to risk. Final results are then analyzed and prepared as a set of intelligent and improvable rules that assist the bank managers in formulating interactive and predictive decision making policies from the initiation of the customer relationship with the bank.

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