
Electronic health record (EHR) implementation not only to facilitate doctor-patient communication reduces paper consumption but also allows the rapid exchange of medical records, integrating patients’ medical information from different locations. However, the costs of establishing massive and repetitive systems, constructing databases, and maintaining and exchanging data, as well as the energy consumption underscoring such an operation, represent substantial costs for a medical institution. Therefore, it is important to develop a cloud solution for EHRs and to provide a platform where resources are truly shareable. This study investigates the feasibility of cloud EHR services provided by trusted third parties. However, not only do medical records stored in an access environment with multiple users potentially endanger patient privacy, but also, without well-designed access control, such an environment may beget excessive unnecessary data access, which is costly and hinders cloud computing. To address the dual challenge of protecting patient privacy and allowing cloud computing, this study proposes the doctor–patient workflow and implements a web-based system. This mechanism ensures patients’ data security and addresses the demand of EHR cloud sharing, i.e., controlling EHR access authorities. The proposed method can protect the privacy of patients’ medical records on the cloud and grant users with minimum granularity access, thereby creating a system with the advantages of data security and cloud computing. This study proposes the doctor–patient workflow as the access control mechanism of cloud medical records, which minimizes the granularity of access. In addition, the access authority of the workflow dynamically changes with the environment, which ensures patients’ access to their medical records and defines the appropriate timing of cloud data access operations, thereby preventing unnecessary energy consumption. In practice, considerable contributions can be made to the establishment of access control and promotion of the cloud environment for medical records.

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