
This paper is based on an Internet-based questionnaire survey with both qualitative and quantitative questions was selected as the research method in order to collect data about the designer's experience of their used design methods and tools. The result is that the general formal follow-up and reflection on used design methods and tools is experienced as low and this implies a risk that inefficient design methods and tools are used. Even though design method and tool utilization represents more than half of the total working time, the number of different types of utilized design methods and tools are low. Despite the low degree of formal follow up, designers experience that most utilized design methods and tools to a high degree fulfills their experienced needs and contributes in making the final product better. Finally, the reasons why designers use design methods and tools can be concluded in three interlinked major overall reasons for designers to use design methods and tools. The design method or tool must help to fulfill specified requirements of the prospective product, reduce the risk that important moments in the product development process are forgotten, reduce the total calendar time (from start to end) to solve the design task.

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