
The aim of the research carried out was to produce valid mathematics trail worksheets for outdoor learning. This research is a design research type of development study using two stages of initial evaluation and formative evaluation from Tessmer, namely prototyping, self-evaluation, expert review, one-to-one, small group, and field test. The research discussed in this article has reached the expert review stage. Data collection uses walkthrough and documentation techniques. The results of this research are math trail worksheets that are valid according to the validator's comments and suggestions and have been declared valid by the validator at the expert review stage. In this research, the results were obtained from validators consisting of 3 lecturers and 2 mathematics teachers. From the language aspect, the average validation result was 3.45 in the very valid category, from the appearance aspect, the average was 3.32 in the valid category, and from the presentation aspect, the average was 3.53, very valid. The average of the 3 aspects obtained was 3.45 in the very valid category. In the LKS material, the result was 3.56 in the very valid category and in the problem solving construct, an average of 3.44 was obtained in the very valid category. So the worksheet developed can be concluded to be valid by the validator.

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