
 Introduction: Design thinking is regarded as a non-linear iterative process that is applied in a bid to understand users, identify problems and develop innovative solutions to problems. The concept of design thinking has attracted interest from professionals across sectors. Although design thinking has been traditionally applied by design professionals the tool has proved effective in managing organizations. Several leading businesses have reported having applied design thinking to achieve organizational success. The strategy is emerging as a critical tool for businesses seeking to advance their competitive strategy.
 Purpose: The paper seeks to create an understanding of the concept of design thinking and how it is applied in business management. Consequently, the paper seeks to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of design thinking in relation to enhancing business performance.
 Methodology: This section outlines the techniques that will be used in collecting information. The study will make use of interviews from business leaders and professionals in the field. Questionnaire is used as a guide for undertaking the interviews. Qualitative and quantitative analysis is be used in analyzing the data obtained.
 Discussion: Design thinking has been an instrumental strategy in promoting business success. Business leaders are benefiting from the application of this strategy in realizing success for their organizations. However, the strategy has not received much appreciation from small organizations and hence suggested as a turnaround concept in business performance.
 Conclusion: The findings successfully answer the question regarding the pros and cons of applying design thinking strategy in business. The study finds that design thinking is a contributing factor to business success and hence a concept that should be applied in facilitating business operations.
 Key words: Design thinking, design-led professional, Technology perspective, Business perspective

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