
A novel approach of combining multiple shaker and acoustic inputs can achieve a high-fidelity ground vibration test. Additionally, supplementing acoustic inputs with shakers enables higher response levels which is possible with shakers alone. As this is a new testing concept, exploring test design effects using simulations is useful. Here, models and simulation are utilized to explore how combining shaker and acoustic inputs can improve response levels and reduce input requirements while maintaining test accuracy. The derivation of acoustic and shaker inputs is explored using different control or input estimation techniques. In particular, the correlation requirements between shaker and acoustic inputs is examined using a Kronecker product formulation of the control problem, which enables specific inputs to be uncorrelated. This simulation-based test design approach provides useful guidance in the design of combined shaker-acoustic vibration tests. [Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under Contract No. DE-NA0003525.]A novel approach of combining multiple shaker and acoustic inputs can achieve a high-fidelity ground vibration test. Additionally, supplementing acoustic inputs with shakers enables higher response levels which is possible with shakers alone. As this is a new testing concept, exploring test design effects using simulations is useful. Here, models and simulation are utilized to explore how combining shaker and acoustic inputs can improve response levels and reduce input requirements while maintaining test accuracy. The derivation of acoustic and shaker inputs is explored using different control or input estimation techniques. In particular, the correlation requirements between shaker and acoustic inputs is examined using a Kronecker product formulation of the control problem, which enables specific inputs to be uncorrelated. This simulation-based test design approach provides useful guidance in the design of combined shaker-acoustic vibration tests. [Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laborator...

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