
Nutritional status monitoring is a very important in toddler, because in this period children are vulnerable to trauma, infection, or developmental disorders. Nutritional status is one of the health indicators in the successful achievement of MDGs No. 4 related to the reduction of child mortality, which is 45% caused by malnutrition. Head and upper arm circumference are an important anthropometry parameter on toddler growth. The monitoring process for toddler in Posyandu usually by writing and plotting the data in KMS (Kartu Menuju Sehat) manually. Therefore, efforts to modernize Posyandu to facilitate Posyandu officers in taking measurements, as well as become one of the database systems of nutritional status of Indonesian toddler. The purpose of this study was to develop prototype of anthropmometry using ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 and Hall sensor UGN3503 based Arduino. The system will be integrated with the database through Android applications. The results of this study had an accuracy value of 97.72% for the testing of head circumference measuring instruments and 95.35% of the testing of upper arm circumference measuring instruments. Android applications created to serve to store and provide information about the growth and development and nutritional status of a toddler

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