
Abstract: The manufacturing industry of small scale provides wide range of products to fulfill the market needs. To face many challenges of market these industries should increase their production rate with good quality and accuracy. The manual production is of low production rate and long throughput time. Moreover, standardization of manual processes is difficult and also its difficulty in maintenance, thus fixtures is used on the machines. Therefore, this study aims to design a Fixture. Basically, Fixture is a work holding device to guide the tool. The main purpose of making this fixture is to perform the milling operation without any need of shifting the job regularly. This results in reduction of production time and increase in production rate. This will lead to decreasing manufacturing time and also the machining cost. In this work the Milling fixture is designed and analyzed for the stresses and deformation that occur during the machining process. The CAD modeling Software is used to model the Milling fixture and analysis work will be carried out by using ANSYS Workbench Software.

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