
This study aims to design a water temperature stabilizer in the louhan fish aquarium by using a cooling system based on a Thermoelectric Cooler (TEC) or a Peltier element. The system is built using several tools including a DS18B20 temperature sensor, a relay circuit and 3 Peltier elements. and AVR microcontroller. Temperature control is done by comparing the desired temperature set-point with the temperature from the sensor. The test was carried out by stabilizing the water temperature with two conditions, namely running water and inot flowing water and observing the behavior of the fish while the stabilizer system was running. The working principle of the stabilizer is that the sensor will read the water temperature, then the data is processed on the microcontroller. The temperature data will be compared with a predetermined set-point value which is around 29°C. If the temperature is more than 290C, then the cooler will turn on. The on-off control signal is generated by the microcontroller to turn on the relay and cooling system. From the test results obtained, the tool is able to stabilize the temperature of 290C and shows the behavior of fish with good conditions.

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