
A new diagnostic, composed of an array of high-frequency magnetic probes, has been installed in TFTR for the study of waves driven by the ICRF heating antennas and waves generated spontaneously during ohmic and beam-heated discharges. The former is of interest because of the possibility of surface wave generation by the heating antennas, and the latter because emission spectra may be useful as a beam ion or fusion product diagnostic. The array consists of seven fixed probes positioned at various toroidal and poloidal locations in order to obtain information about the corresponding wavenumbers in the edge region. Each probe consists of two orthogonal loops oriented to measure Bφ and Bθ. The array utilizes single-turn loops with areas of 12 cm2 and carefully selected signal processing elements to achieve a usable bandwidth of 1–500 MHz. Reduction of electrostatic pickup is accomplished by differentially combining signals from both ends of a loop using a wideband hybrid junction and by using an alumina shield to reduce capacitive coupling. The system permits simultaneous observation of both the magnetic and electrostatic components of the probe signal, allowing verification of the rejection ratio in a particular experiment. Details of the diagnostic design and experimental plans are discussed. This work was supported by U. S. DOE Contract No. DE-AC02-76-CHO-3073.

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