
Scientific Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (sCMOS) image sensor has higher readout speed, higher resolution, lower readout noise than traditional Charged Coupled Device (CCDs). Since the orbital debris observation has the demand for high speed imaging system, we designed and built a sCMOS camera, and developed the corresponding operational software system. The operational software contains three lays: a software development kit (SDK), Common Language Runtime(CLR) library and an operational software with a Graphic User Interface (GUI) named PXViewer. Each of them were tested and benchmarked. Several data acquisition modes including photo, timer, continuously capture and video are implemented for different observation scenarios. Users can get fully control and operation of the sCMOS camera through the software system, including cooling, data acquisition and configuration. During the benchmark, the sCMOS camera is able to capture image of 4128*4096 pixels at 7.8 frame per second (fps), and 2064*2048 pixels at 30 fps.

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