
The problems existing in the binary logic system and the advantages of multiple-valued logic (MVL) are introduced. A literal circuit with three-track-output structure is created based on resonant tunneling diodes (RTDs) and it has the most basic memory function. A ternary RTD D flip-flop with pre-set and pre-reset functions is also designed, the key module of which is the RTD literal circuit. Two types of output structure of the ternary RTD D flip-flop are optional: one is three-track and the other is single-track; these two structures can be transformed conveniently by merely adding tri-valued RTD NAND, NOR, and inverter units after the three-track output. The design is verified by simulation. Ternary flip-flop consists of an RTD literal circuit and it not only is easy to understand and implement but also provides a solution for the algebraic interface between the multiple-valued logic and the binary logic. The method can also be used for design of other types of multiple-valued RTD flip-flop circuits.

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