
The rapid growth of online learning in Indonesia is supported by PERMENDIKBUD No. 109 year 2013 about implementation of Distance Education (Pendidikan Jarak Jauh/ P JJ), triggering the educational institution to organize the program. This online learning environment has its own challenge that is to measure learning outcomes of students especially because the learning is done online. Therefore, the measurement of effectiveness needs to be done to ensure the learning process through online media can still gain trust from the public in terms of quality of education. Research methods that will be used for data collection are literature review and interview to the faculty. System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) with waterfall approach will also be used as a guideline in system design. From this research, it is founded that the measurement from learning outcomes from several assessments can be done. This finding will help educational institutions, especially BINUS Online Learning in developing monitoring and measurement model and system of student learning outcomes associated with teaching and learning process itself.

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