
The ship escort mechanism and system in KRI / KAL in reporting the position of the ship beingguarded at this time is only limited to reports via radio communication equipment / HT. This causedthe KRI / KAL Commander's decision to be reconfirmed manually between the ship's escort Personneland the KRI / KAL Guard Officer. Therefore it is necessary to have a system that can monitor theposition of ship escort personnel periodically by applying LoRa (Long Range) technology integratedwith a GIS-based information system (Geographic Information System). The position monitoringsystem for ship escort personnel can send coordinate data from the Client transceiver device that iscarried by the ship escort personnel periodically with the 915MHz LoRa TM protocol and receive theclosest Gateway transceiver in KRI / KAL with the same frequency with an average time of two once asecond transmits, the coordinate data received is stored in the application server database monitoringthe position of ship escort personnel in the form of markers, so that the position of personnel ismonitored periodically and can be immediately reported to the KRI / KAL Commander as decisionmaker. This system can also receive coordinate data from several Client transceiver devices.Keywords: LoRa / GPS shield, ship personnel, GIS (Geographic Information System).

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