
The English Curriculum Standards for Compulsory Education (2022) clearly states that English curriculum design should play a leading role in core competencies. As one of the core competencies, thinking quality reflects students’ levels and abilities in understanding, analyzing, comparing, inferring, criticizing, evaluating, and creating. The cultivation of thinking quality helps to enhance students’ ability to discover, analyze, and solve problems. The English reading class is an important place to cultivate the thinking quality of high school students, and classroom questioning is a key link in the reading classroom. This study will explore the design of question chains in high school English reading to cultivate students’ thinking qualities. The research question of this study is to explore the development status of students’ thinking quality in current high school English reading teaching and the impact of problem chain teaching on their cultivation. This study will use various research methods, such as questionnaire survey and interview, to study the changes in students' thinking quality before and after problem chain teaching. Research has shown that question chain teaching has a certain promoting effect on students’ thinking quality. This study can provide reasonable suggestions for future English reading teaching. In future research, exploring how to use problem chain teaching to cultivate students’ thinking qualities in high school English listening teaching has practical significance.

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