
It is possible to say now that the perfect future for many young people is connected with success in professional activity. Achievements in work, effective career in modern society create conditions for increase of level and life quality, change of social status and position of personality. However it is impossible to call sphere of activity, certain work, position, place on career ladder. It has deeper contents. According to O. A. Dolgorukova, career is a conscious relation of a person to own movement on skill steps in the chosen field of activity which is expressed in judgments of the person about the past and the future, an assessment of the potential opportunities, moral bases and estimates of achievements, real behavior of the person (Dolgorukova O. A., 2006). Meaningfulness of life--existence of purposes and prospects in life, frontage into the future should be named among qualities which the young man needs to possess and which would allow him to build vital and professional way successfully. life is a basis in creation of career. This basic component defines activity of personality, it is a basis for decision-making, gives the chance to carry out a choice among the offered alternatives. B. F. Lomov emphasized that the vital purpose of the personality should be distinguished from specific goals: ... the purpose of any separate activity opens only one part of orientation of personality which is shown in this activity. The vital purpose acts as the general integrator of all private purposes connected with separate activities (Lomov B. F., 1984). Purpose of life can take various forms during different periods of life. However the period of choice of profession, a field of activity chronologically coincides with youth. Formations of a new level of development of consciousness, development of own look, definition of a position, characteristic for this period of life, intensify processes of personal self-determination and self-knowledge, picturing oneself in profession. In this regard it is obvious that life purpose always takes the form of an image of future profession, an image of future professional life for the younger generation. The modern unstable conditions characterized by social, economic and political changes, prompt transformations in the sphere of values and purposes of personality predetermine essentially new requirements to psychological structure of the personality which would provide it the most effective self-realization and success in professional activity. Now it is possible to say that the ideal future for the younger generation is represented as the employee possessing high potential of knowledge, abilities, competences which are some kind of capital. Meaningfulness of life--existence of the purposes and prospect in life are among qualities which the young man needs to possess and which would allow him to successfully adapt for a certain system of social norms and values recognized in society, therefore the important characteristic is a frontage into the future. In this regard questions of effective creation of career by the personality become actual; career is understood as an important part of life of a person which is projected by the individual in the course of the social relations and various parties of activity of the personality. Numerous researches in the field of creation of career by a personality are caused by modern conditions of labor market. Development of market economy makes orientation to success that is considerably based on need of improvement of material welfare, needs for self-affirmation, public recognition, economic independence dominating tendency in the professional sphere. Individual formation and development of career becomes an indicator of self-sufficient, harmonious personality. The modern science offers a set of ways of successful creation of career, but it is very important to know about need of choice according to own personality. …

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