
Many research works report the use of LCL filters for grid-interfaced PV systems. Indiscreet selection of passive LCL filter parameters may result in poor filtering and increased power losses. LCL filter parameter selection is critical to get a good performance and at the same time ensure that losses and costs stay low. This paper proposes a novel approach to design the LCL filter for a grid-interfaced PV system. A cost-based minimization approach on a cost per joule basis for each of the filter elements is explored to obtain the optimal filter design. Simulation results for a 10-kVA grid-connected inverter with an LCL filter are presented in order to verify the efficacy of the proposed design. The impact of designed filter parameters on the ripple current is also discussed in this paper. The total inductance of the LCL filter is varied and filter parameter values which give lowest cost is identified while meeting harmonic standard requirements and the fundamental voltage drop across the filter. Finally, the proposed design is also experimentally validated via a hardware prototype. Results validate the design method in terms of the harmonic attenuation and total harmonic distortion.

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