
A ship is an important means of transportation for archipelagic countries such as in Indonesia. The development of ship technology in the world has shown a rapid progress, where various innovations have been made in the effort to ease and accelerate the sea transportation system. These are ranging from the design of ships, cargo and logistics handling systems, and enhancement of regulations related to ship safety. Lighter Aboard Ship (LASH) is an innovation of ship type that has the concept as a ship loading lighter barges. This ship is designed to reduce waiting times at the port and reduce the use of port docks, so that it is highly suitable to serve the small islands where adequate port facilities are typically not available. The aim of the study is to design a LASH that will be used as a means of transportation of goods in the Kangean Archipelago. This is a group of small islands located in the easternmost of Sumenep District with a total population of 192,807 people forecasted by 2019. The LASH vessel size is determined by using the optimization with linear programing. The initial stages are the definition of owner requirements, which include primarily the cargo load capacity and ship speed. The design in turn provides the main dimensions of the LASH, namely the Length Over All (LOA) of 48.71 m, breadth moulded (Bmld) 10.43 m, and deck height moulded (Hmld) 4.09 m.

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