
This research paper proposes a newly discovered current feedback operational amplifier (CFOA) based multifunction inverse filter. This configuration employs 2 CFOAs, 3/4 resistors and 2/3 capacitors to realize inverse low pass filter (ILPF), inverse band pass filter (IBPF) and inverse high pass filter (IHPF). Also, the proposed configuration exploits the advantage of orthogonal tunability between gain, cutoff frequency and bandwidth/quality factor for each type of inverse filter realized. The workability of the proposed inverse filter configuration is verified by PSPICE simulation and hardware experimental results using AD844 type CFOAs. Also, non-ideal and Monte Carlo analysis has been carried out for the circuit which directly indicates the proper functionality of proposed configuration in practical results. Sensitivity analysis is further performed to determine that the proposed configuration also enjoys the advantage of low passive sensitivity.

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