
This research is motivated by the need of teaching materials that can support the implementation of Curriculum 2013. It is known that one of the emphasis in the Curriculum 2013 is the use of a scientific approach in the learning process. The purpose of this research is to develop the interactive teaching materials based on scientific approach (ITMSA) that can support the learning process for junior high school students, especially on the topics of line and angles. The method used is research and development (R&D) consisting of 10 stages, namely: 1) Research and information collecting, 2) Planning, 3) Develop preliminary form of product, 4) Preliminary field test, 5) Main product revision, 6) Main field test, 7) Operational product revision, 8) Operational field testing, 9) Final product revision, and 10) Dissemination and implementation. The results concluded that: 1) the ITMSA obtained a total score 87.50% from mathematics expert, 88.67% from mathematics education expert, 86% from multimedia expert, and 89.36% responses from students, and 2) students mathematical concept understanding who learn by using ITMSA better than student who learn without ITMSA. From these results concluded that the ITMSA is considered feasible and can be used in learning mathematics in the schools.

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