
Primary Investigator: Jenny Y. Yang Title: Design of Efficient Molecular Electrocatalysts for Water and Carbon Dioxide Reduction Using Predictive Models of Thermodynamic Properties Objectives: 1) To design and synthesize water soluble transition metal complexes that function as electrocatalysts for the reduction of water to hydrogen or carbon dioxide to formate 2) To experimentally measure thermochemical properties, such as hydride donor ability, and use these quantities to optimize catalyst performance in solutions of varying pH 3) To incorporate results from detailed mechanistic and kinetic studies to direct improvements in catalyst design 4) To use thermochemical data from objective 2 to generate predictive models for the properties of new complexes to apply to the development of catalysts for other reductive reactions, with an emphasis on carbon dioxide reduction to methanol Description: Wide‐spread implementation of renewable but intermittent energy sources, such as solar, requires the development of efficient methods for energy storage. The high energy density of chemical bonds makes chemical fuels an ideal solution for energy storage. Hydrogen and reduced carbon compounds have been proposed as ideal candidates for chemical fuels. However, the generation of chemical fuels from electricity requires competent electrocatalysts. The proposed research focuses on developing electrocatalysts for the reduction of water to hydrogen, and carbon dioxide to formate. Both products can be used directly as an energy carrier in fuel cells, or as a reductant for more saturated chemical fuels. Hydrogen is the most common fuel used in current commercial fuel cells. Additionally, there is interest in formic acid as a liquid carrier for hydrogen because of its increased storage density and ease of dehydrogenation. Formate is also an intermediate in the sequential reduction of CO2 to methanol, another potential chemical fuel with high energy storage density. Despite the utility of formate as a chemical fuel or precursor, there are very few examples of electrocatalysts for its production from CO2, and even fewer demonstrate high product selectivity. In heterogeneous catalysis, the Sabatier principle is used to generate volcano curves that describe optimal thermochemical properties for key intermediates that result in peak catalytic activity. In most cases, such as hydrogen production and oxidation, the most favorable metals (Pt, Re, Rh, and Ir) are rare and expensive. Molecular inorganic complexes provide an opportunity to use electronic and steric ligand effects to tune the critical thermodynamic parameters of abundant metals to values comparable to key surface intermediates on precious metals. This principle will be applied to the design of aqueous homogeneous catalysts for the reduction of H2O and CO2 optimized to function at specific pH ranges. The critical intermediate in both of these reactions is a metal hydride. The strength of this bond, or hydricity (ΔGH‐) dictates the overall thermodynamics of the reduction of H+ to H2 and the sequential reduction of C1 substrates, such as CO2, CO, and H2CO (the latter to CH3OH). ΔGH‐ will be systematically measured for a series of first row metal complexes to form predictive models for metal and ligand electronic effects. Benefits and Outcomes: This approach addresses thermodynamic requirements essential for energy‐efficient catalyst design and transition state barrier considerations for faster catalysis. The advancements made from this research will include the discovery of efficient, stable, and fast catalysts for hydrogen and formate generation from electricity. The ability to store energy efficiently is critical to the widespread use of renewable energy schemes. This provides a viable solution to produce high energy density fuels for stationary and mobile energy applications. The fundamental research conducted is also directly applicable to the design of catalysts for the generation of further reduced products such as methanol.

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