
Real Work Practice (PKN) is one of the academic activities that must be followed by all students in study programs at the Teaching and Education Faculty (FKIP) Sebelas Maret University Surakarta (UNS). The implementation of Internship is an obstacle for FKIP UNS which has students from various regions and these students choose their own place for the Internship. FKIP UNS will find it difficult to monitor students in carrying out PKN if the accompanying lecturers have to visit one by one where students carry out PKN. This makes the goal of FKIP UNS in providing work experience in the real world not well achieved. From the problems above, the researcher proposes to design a web-based PKN data management information system at FKIP UNS. The formulation of the problem that the researcher will solve in this study is, "How to design an information system for PKN data management at FKIP UNS". Boundary The problems that the researchers discussed in this study focused more on the process of recording PKN data within FKIP UNS. The method used to design PKN data management information systems at FKIP UNS is the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) with the Waterfall model. The programming language used to design PKN data management information systems is PHP Native and the MySQL database as data storage media. This study aims to design a system that can facilitate the management of PKN activities at FKIP UNS, reduce the risk of errors occurring in PKN data management, and present PKN report information quickly, precisely and accurately. With the implementation of the PKN data management information system, PKN activities can be well documented and easy to monitor.

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