
DC motors are one of the most popular motors used in the industrial world. In operation, DC motors use a direct current (DC) source. In its application, the BLDC motor is combined with a method to make it easier to control the BLDC motor to match what is desired, one example is the Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) method, which is a control consisting of a standard configuration of Kp, Ki, and Kd whose values are determined in order to get the desired result or speed, namely speed with good stability with a small error rate and overshoot. The control system for the BLDC stepper motor nema 17 on the conveyor uses the STM32 Nucleo F030R8 module as a microcontroller and the HC-05 bluetooth module as a remote control interface on the conveyor motor. To send commands from the microcontroller to the motor, a driver is needed which is used as a data receiver and control setting from the microcontroller, namely the L298N motor driver. The monitoring system on the miniature conveyor uses an LM393 speed sensor as a stepper motor rotation speed reader and an INA219 sensor as a current and voltage reader. Sensor readings will be processed on the microcontroller and the results will be displayed on the 1.3-inch LCD screen that has been installed. In this study, it is still in prototype form, so the miniature conveyor cannot receive too heavy a load. The load is adjusted to the torque capacity of the BLDC stepper motor used, which is 0.36 N.m. In other words, the maximum miniature conveyor receives a load with a stable speed of less than or equal to 2 kg, because the load on the conveyor belt will affect the speed of the BLDC motor. With this research, it is hoped that it can be a lesson about control and monitoring systems on BLDC motors. The maximum Bluetooth range is 9 meters.

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