
With rapid development and increasing demand of Internet of Things (IoT) applications, effective client server system is necessary for fast communication without data loss. IoT applications generally have sensors to provide various physical parameters and actuators to operate as per sensor input. A specialized protocol that enables this machine-to-machine communication is Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP). The CoAP shares features with HTTP such as REST model but personalized for constrained devices like embedded micro controllers and networks in IoT. Industries at present use commercial small computers such as Raspberry Pi for developing IoT applications to speed up the process. This has certain overheads like cost and fixed set of libraries. The purpose of this paper is to present an economical and scalable solution for IoT application development. The working prototype model comprises a bare metal microchip pic 8-bit micro controller, Ethernet controller, infrared sensor, browser display for sensor data, actuator to on/off the motor and integrated TCP/IP CoAP stack libraries. This paper demonstrates the function of the proposed model and how scalability can be achieved by connecting multiple sensors. Infrared sensor can be replaced with any device that generates data such as blood pressure, temperature etc.

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