
Waterfront area currently has a potential as a face of the city, it should not only being the behind area of the city. Waterfront area can be a tourist destination and a place that create social interaction, so that area can be the center of economic growth for the city especially in the field of tourism activity. Waterfront development experience many problems such as the loss of place quality. In the other side, private investment is not clearly regulated and causing the privatization of land in the shoreline area that should be the public space. Communities that received the impact of the development in the shoreline area are not to get involved in the planning process. This study formulates the design of tourism public space in a seaside area with attention to the image of an area and have the quality of public space. By analyzing design area both regionally and environmental context, in the findings obtained several principles that need to be considered to create a coastal tourist area as public space. In this study, planning and designing is required to involve the growth of coastal resorts can be run as a shared vision that avoids conflicts of interest.

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