
Every enterprise certainly needs a brand identity to become more familiar and make it easier for potential customers to identify a product, and the MSMEs Shoes SR Collection is no exception. The weaknesses of SR Collection that were found are: they did not have strong brand recognition, the shoebox design was too plain, and the promotion strategy was applied only from person to person, which is not very effective for gaining customers. Customers also identify the SR Collection shoe name with various names. Referring to this phenomenon, it can be concluded that the familiarity of SR Collection shoes is still low. Therefore, it is necessary to design a Brand Identity that can be confirmed by the SR Collection image. The promotion strategy in generating brand placement is applied to highlight and define the SR Collection brand among other competitors. The research method applied in this study is descriptive qualitative. Data were collected through interviews and observations and presented using visual design through concept maps and design boards (mood-boards). The design results that are conceptualized can highlight a new brand identity with the logo and image of SR Collection in the eyes of customers supported by designs such as logos, slogans, business cards, paper bags, packaging boxes, as well as promotional media that can be distinctive and highlight the image SR Collection Shoes.
 Keywords: brand identity, promotion, MSMEs, Shoes SR Collection

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