
Automatic watergate systems are designed to allow the watergate to run automatically based on an ideal condition for agricultural land. The sensor will be a crucial role in this automation system. In this system, the input of the system is come from ultrasonic and moisture sensor, while the output is how big watergate will be open. The ultrasonic sensor is widely used in the design of watergate system because they provide effectively measuring a water level. And also, soil moisture sensor was used to measure the percentage of humidity of the land. In order to process this input, we used a fuzzy logic to determined the output, which is the percentage of watergate will be open. By using Fuzzy logic, the machine can do an output based on conditions in the input that has been programmed. In this research, a Fuzzy Logic Control method system will be implemented to control the watergate so it’s can be opened level to level. Authors exert three levels of watergate open, that are 0%, 50%, and 100%. The input in this study is the water level and the humidity of land. Simulations have been carried out to get the value of the membership function. The simulation is carried out using a case study, where the input from the ultrasonic sensor is 6 cm and 88% on soil moist sensor.

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